Analysis of the viscous damper connected tall structure wind vibration response

The control effect of viscous dampers in the internal force, deformation,acceleration and energy of the wind-induced dynamic response and wind load of high-rise structure with viscous dampers. Wind tunnel test of a rigid model ofjointed highrise structures were obtained, and the pressure time history data.Through the compiled based on the wind tunnel test of processing program, thewind tunnel test data processing is introduced into finite element program for windvibration time history analysis. Wind induced vibration of working on the time history analysis of high-rise structure. The results showed that the viscous dampersconnecting structure arranged, can reduce the structural internal force and deformation, better than the weakening effect force deformation weakening effect.Top connecting structure acceleration is caused by the dynamic effect of fluctuating wind, viscous damper can control the top floor acceleration effectively.

Wind load is one of the main control structure design of high-rise building wind loadfactors, the general is calculated according to Chinese wind load code, the equivalent wind load, the static wind load through the wind vibration coefficientconsidering wind power amplification, wind vibration coefficient rule body structurethrough the specification of load calculation, complex structure the calculatedfrequency domain method based on wind tunnel test data. Due to the application of viscous dampers in high-rise structure is more and more, the frequency domain method of wind induced vibration analysis is not applicable for such kind of structures, and the time domain method is an effective method for wind vibration analysis of such structures.

Wind vibration analysis is mainly divided into two kinds of methods: frequency domain method and frequency domain method. The frequency domain method is clear in physical conception, high efficiency and wide application. Time domainmethod can consider the influence of structural geometrical and material nonlinearity, describe the wind-induced vibration response of structures within acertain range of time, and there is no effect in frequency domain modal truncation.The time domain method and frequency domain method for the analysis of Li Jie [2]on the single-layer spherical wind vibration are compared, shows that the calculating time domain method and frequency domain CQC method agree. The [3]AR method based on Simulation of the wind time history, and wind vibration for different structure, different height, different stiffness of high-rise structure time history analysis, the results were compared with a simplified formula for calculating,show that time-domain method has certain accuracy, can reasonably evaluate the structural response under wind load.

Solving method of wind vibration method in time domain is identical with the seismicmethod in time domain, the equations of motion of lumped parameter of multi degree of freedom system. This paper mainly studies the structure with viscous dampers, the equations of motion of a nonlinear damper added. Because the structure is added viscous dampers, the frequency domain method can notcalculate the wind vibration response of the structure.

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