BYD workshop production efficiency has a damping wheel

Each car here made by the workers hands and ”touch” can be detected after theline. Surprisingly, manual process of quite efficient: workers assemble the 4 damping wheel, only need one minute……

The barracks BYD Changsha factory stroke is divided into two parts, one is to visit the K9 bus line, two into new factory in Changsha BYD construction period, to understand the production process of traditional passenger car.

Take one production process, automobile factory process is nothing more than theplate stamping, welding, painting and the whole car vehicle assembly, but in respectively to the new old two factories BYD Changsha after some of the details,let us have a more comprehensive understanding of BYD.

The old shop ”new” slogan

Many people on the new energy car factory workshop, a damping wheel,mysterious batteries have a vision. But in fact, BYD craft workshops of new energy vehicle K9 bus no robot arm intensive operation, the automation equipment is only a few boom, with plate handling car. Here with the ”new energy”, ”high tech” stuff,distributed in plant roads in the banner and publicity board. All the above about energy-saving tips, are made by the factory’s advocacy group and workers to write.

The damping wheel production line which is a plain, ordinary functions playChinese type in industrial production, but it is assembled, production, is a pureelectric bus.

The new base BYD Changsha factory is mainly responsible for the passenger carproduction. Factory staff uniform consists of blue, red two, blue uniformed staffposition, red is responsible for full-time quality inspection station.

Mounting damping wheel body position, a damping wheel plate out, ”blue” for the damping wheel plate is moved to the side of the bracket, ”red people” immediately,wearing gloves in the damping wheel plate one by one touch search, to see whether there is a concave convex surface or burr. According to staff, the damping wheel plate might produce some potholes and burr due to various reasons,employees need one by one to touch, to ensure the quality of the details of theclearance.

This ”out of touch” quality inspection in four workshops in each station, until thevehicle off the assembly line.

The damping wheel on the new line does not fall to the ground

BYD new factory process very simply, ”a road through the end, direct stamping,welding, painting, through the assembly of four workshops”. The biggest advantageof this layout is: a ring with a ring, streamline operation more efficient. In the wordsof BYD engineer, ”in addition to the steel unloading also need some human, from the stamping of the links to the new car off the assembly line, a damping wheelcompletely does not fall to the ground.”

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Post time: May-09-2017
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