The typhoon hit the building damper is a good helper.

The damper is good weapon against typhoon and strong wind weather, dampersare generally used in high-rise buildings and skyscrapers, the purpose is to resist the wind flow on buildings caused by shaking and threats, the Wind Damperbuilding swing reduced a lot, safety vertical Ferris building a great merit.

The damper can offset the 40% acceleration

Stronger typhoons, on top of skyscrapers will swing, swing and sometimes up to 1meters.

“Building height, stiffness becomes poor, meet the typhoon will shake,displacement, we call the acceleration. Displacement and acceleration is too largewill make people in high-rise living feeling uncomfortable, even can’t stand. This needs to have a comfortable standard. For residential, apartments, vertex displacement acceleration should not exceed 0.15g, and general office, hotelshould not exceed 0.25g.” Wang Lichang said.

China World Trade Center center also made comfort analysis, results show, in acertain point of view, the acceleration over a little. ”This requires a governance, weadded some Wind Damper to improve acceleration, in order to meet therequirements of wind.”

The main part of the wind damper is composed of cable suspended heavy hundredtons of weight objects, suspension at the upper part of the building. Its working principle is like being shaken the man in the boat, the boat body in the opposite direction from mobile, to balance. When the typhoon comes, shaking the device uses sensors to detect the wind force and the buildings, and through the computer via the spring, hydraulic device to control the counterweight object movement in the opposite direction, thereby reducing the swaying buildings. Such as the typhoonblowing from the South Wind Damper, the counterweight is like a huge ”pendulum”swing to the south, the wind damper will result in a direction opposite to the windforce, so as to resolve the swaying buildings, offset the impact of Typhoon on buildings.

Expert introduction, after the use of this device, the strong wind and the buildingacceleration decreases about 40%. In this way, even if the hurricane, buildings arebasically not feel shaking buildings. In addition, the damper can also reduce the

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Post time: May-09-2017
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