Tuned mass damper

Due to high winds and blowing typhoon caused by shaking. The building is ”tuned mass damper (“ tuned mass damper, also known as ”TMD”), is a great ball in the 88 to the 92 floor and hanging a 660 metric ton, swing to slow down the use of building the shaking amplitude. According to the Taipei 101 billboard says, this isthe world’s only giant damper opening of tourists, is currently the world’s largestdamper.

Taipei 101 the new ”mega structure” (megastructure), in four outside the buildingrespectively have two columns, a total of eight columns, each section is 3 meters long, 2.4 meters wide, since the ground floor of 5 through to the ground 90 floor,column filled with a high density of concrete, with steel plate coating. Taiwan is located in the seismic belt, in Taipei basin, there are three small faults, in order tobuild 101 Taipei, the building

Taipei 101 place in the Taipei plain

Design must be to prevent the strong earthquake damage. And every summer Taiwan affected by the typhoon on the Pacific earthquake and wind is formed,Taipei 101 two buildings required to overcome the problem. In order to influence Taipei 101 the evaluation of earthquake, geologist Chen Dousheng beganexploration site near the predetermined geological structure, 4, found from Taipei 101200 meters with a 10 meters thick fault drilling. Based on these data,earthquake engineering research center of Taiwan province built the model of different sizes, to simulate the earthquake occurred, the building may occur. In order to increase the flexibility to avoid building earthquake damage, center of Taipei 101 is composed of a periphery of the 8 reinforced monoliths.

However, good flexibility, but also let the building faces the breeze impact, namelyswing problem. Shake the main design offset wind is generated by the damper, and the building shape of serrated, through wind tunnel test, can reduce the 30-40%wind generated by shaking.

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Post time: May-09-2017
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